Curator: A Narinskaya
Exhibition design: Jane Rzheznikova, Ivan Loungine
Peredelkino DT

The site-specific exhibition about life in legendary writer's colony Peredelkino.In the 9 rooms where the writers lived, we created installations dedicated to such themes as "death", "love", wiretapping, among Soviet writers of the 30 - 80s.
"Wiretap". Interactive installation dedicated to the KGB shadowing. Video about daily life of "ordinary soviet writer in ordinary room" mixes with online translation from that room.
"Refuge". Peredelkino sometimes became a safe place for writers pursued by government, they "dissolved in nature". Entering this room you can see the common wallpaper, but it will turn into the macro shooting, when the viewer sets in the hammock.
"Envy". Dacha was the envy for most of the "ordinary writers". This flying under the ceiling dacha consist of parts of the most known soviet writer`s houses.